Affordable handbags
An affordable handbag that looks expensive is really hard to come by these days. If you don’t want to spend the crazy fortune that is the price tag of a designer handbag, it can be really hard to find something that is good quality and affordable. The goal is to find bags around the £350 mark or below that look and give the feel of a luxury bag. A handbag for me is the ultimate stylish accessory and I find it the most important piece in my wardrobe. I do have a lovely selection of designer handbags, but they are not always appropriate for every occasion. There are plenty of occasions such as work where you need a more toned down and low key bag and that is where this list will come in handy. There are plenty out there, but it requires a lot of work and research. There are quiet a few brands that are quiet recognisable now for being good quality and the good alternative to a designer bag. For example DeMellier, Polene and Coach. Here are all of my my best affordable bag options below that I think you will love:
1) Ralph Lauren tote bag
This is the perfect alternative for someone who likes the aesthetic of a LV neverfull bag or the Goyard tote, but a fraction of the price. It's the perfect throw it all in for a long day bag or a work or travel bag.
2) Tory Burch canvas bag
I really love how simple and chic this canvas bag is and so much more affordable than the Celine and Dior versions. I can imagine wearing this with a white dress in Summer and it looking beautiful.
3) Holland Cooper
Holland Cooper has grown to be a popular brand so quickly and has a selection of very equestrian bags. This one in particular is more classic and I love that it can be worn as a top handle for a smarter look or cross body to be more casual.
4) DeMellier bags
I have both these bags on my Wishlist currently in these particular colour ways. The first one is the perfect crossbody bag to wear with my more neutral outfits and the second one is really good for a long day in the city. DeMellier has become such a big brand over the past few years that this would be recognisable by any other handbag lovers.
5) Coach bags
I love coach and it is a very underrated brand. It does have it's selection of bags that are catered I think for the younger generations, but it does have some super classic pieces that I love. You can't go wrong with this cassie bag and I actually own this bandit bag in Maroon and I love it.
6) Polene bags
Polene is another brand that has become very popular over the past few years, so this would also be recognised by any other handbag lovers. I have wanted the numero sept in mini for a very long time, I even tried it on in Paris when I visited a few years ago. I just need to decide on the colour that I would like.
7) Strathberry
Strathberry is a very recognisable and classically british brand which I love. It is famously well known for being worn by Kate Middleton, which makes it very desirable.
8) Maje
Maje is a brand that I really love and this bag is super classic and beautiful. It gives me Celine vibes actually with the same box shape and the gold logo on the front. It is currently on sale for an amazing price!
9) Anthropology
Anthropology has a really good range of high quality bags including this asymmetric and woven bottega dupe. There is also a selection of really nice summer basket bags.
10) High street in Mango and Zara
I wasn't going to include any high street brands as I wanted bags that someone in a few months time could refer back to my post and they would still be in stock, so I thought I'd just do one category. These 2 bags from Mango and Zara would make really great Summer bags. I would also always recommend you look at Massimo Dutti bags.
11) Longchamp bags
The classic longchamp bags are perfect for work, travel and all sorts, but they came out with these cute little bags last year for Summer and I love them. They are the perfect little size to hold or to wear crossbody in the Summer.
12) Anine bing bags
My final bag is this tweed bag from Anine bing. I think this is the best alternative to a Chanel tweed bag that would look incredible in Winter. This on your shoulder over a black coat would look so chic.
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